The Weeks-Townsend Memorial Library at Union College is a United States government depository library. As a participant in the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) Weeks-Townsend is one of nearly 1250 libraries receiving U.S. Government documents in various formats and committed to providing open public access to their depository collections.
The Library receives a selection of government publications in print, microform, and electronic formats. These include periodicals, statistical reports, consumer literature, agency directories, census data, and research findings from all branches of the government. The print collection is located in the back of the Reference Room and the microform collection is located nearby in the microform cabinets. While the library continues to receive a certain amount of tangible items, much of the recent collection is in online form only and is accessible through uCat. Most of the tangible or physical collection is organized by SUDOC (Superintendent of Documents) classification, however a few items are incorporated into other collections and all can be located via the OPAC. Although the collection is open for browsing, patrons are encouraged to contact library staff for assistance in finding government information in either tangible or digital form.
Free and open access to the Weeks-Townsend Government Documents collection is available to all library patrons.
Lorraine Gess
Reference & Instruction Librarian