1:00 pm to 11:00 pm
7:30 am to 11:00 pm
7:30 am to 5:30 pm
The Weeks-Townsend Memorial Library houses three different special collections: Kentucky/Appalachian Heritage, Lincoln and Civil War, and Cumberland Gap Genealogical. Only materials from the Kentucky/Appalachian Heritage collection are available to check out; the other two collections are library use only. If you would like to request access to materials from either the Lincoln and Civil War collection or the Cumberland Gap Genealogical collection, please see the "Contact" box below.
Kentucky/Appalachian Heritage
The Kentucky/Appalachian (KAH) collection is housed in the reading room on the first floor of the library with materials lining the wall of the room. This collection includes fiction, nonfiction, and juvenile books focusing on the history of Kentucky and the greater Appalachian region. Bound journals related to Kentucky and Appalachian history are also available in the reading room.
Lincoln and Civil War
The Lincoln and Civil War collection is housed in the Kronk Room on the second floor of the library. Along with books relating to Abraham Lincoln and the American Civil War, this collection features Lincoln memorabilia and other 3D artifacts. Bound journals related to Abraham Lincoln and the American Civil War are in the Reading Room for easy access.
Cumberland Gap Genealogical
The Cumberland Gap Genealogical collection is housed in locked bookcases within the reading room on the first floor of the library. Materials in this collection include, but are not limited to, family histories, recorded oral histories, census reports, and genealogical reference books. Bound journals related to the Cumberland Gap and genealogical research are also available in the reading room.
To view materials from either the Lincoln and Civil War collection or the Cumberland Gap Genealogical collection or to get research assistance, please email Madeleine Schense at with available dates and times for a physical or virtual appointment and the materials you would like to view or research subject matter.