All of the resources below can be found at the Union Commonwealth University Library
Periodical (journal, magazine, newspaper) articles can be found in many of our databases. Books, eBooks, and streaming videos can be located in our online catalog; eBooks can also be found in the EBSCO eBook collection database.
Books cover virtually any topic, fact or fiction. For research purposes, you will probably be looking for books that synthesize all of the information on one topic.
Use a Book
Journal articles are written by scholars in an academic or professional field. An editorial board reviews the articles to decide whether or not they should be published. Journal articles may cover very specific topics or narrow fields of research.
Use a Journal
Examples of Journals
Encyclopedias contain factual articles on many subjects.
There are two types of encyclopedias -- general and subject. General encyclopedias provide overviews on a wide variety of topics. Subject encyclopedias contain entries focusing on one field of study.
Use an Encyclopedia
Newspapers provide articles each day about current events and are a good source for local information.
Use a Newspaper
Magazines publish articles on topics of popular interest and current events. The articles are written by journalists and are for the general public.
Use a Magazine
Examples of Magazines
The Web allows you to access information on the Internet through a browser. One of the main features of the Web is the ability to link quickly to other related information.
Use the Web
Examples of Web Addresses